1.5 Hour Historic Lake Tour on Miss Hazel

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Relax and take in the beauty of Fontana Lake and the Great Smoky Mountain National Park on the USCG inspected Miss Hazel pontoon.

A USCG approved captain will provide you with an in-depth, colorful history of the Fontana Dam, GSMNP, the Appalacian Trail, Cherokee Indians, early settlers, and the early mining and lumbering industries of the area.

The area is rich with history and the Captain is very knowledgeable local historian and is able to share that history with you as you are taken on a leisurley cruise on Fontana Lake.  You'll be taken by the Fontana Dam and along the lake and up into Eagle or Hazel Creek.

Keep an eye out for eagles, bears, coyotes, and other wildlife!

Please call 828-498-2017 to reserve the total number of folks in your party.   Once you arrive at the marina and prior to you embarking on the cruise we'll charge you in accordance with the rate schedule below;

Adult = $40
15 and Under = $15
Under two years = FREE